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General Information

What is Brava?

Brava by BRIUS® is a completely new approach to orthodontics. They’re not braces, or aligners. Brava’s Independent Mover® technology uses pre-programmed biomechanics to change the game. Hidden behind your teeth, Brava moves each tooth independently and simultaneously for a straighter smile in as few as four appointments.

Why is Brava faster than aligners?

The key word is “independent.” Aligners work in stages moving groups of teeth only a small amount at a time. It’s kind of like playing a three-legged sack race game since the movement of one tooth affects the position of others. That’s why aligners require multiple mid-treatment corrections and take more time.

Brava is different—it works on each tooth independently—and all teeth simultaneously, 24/7. With Brava, your orthodontist designs your ideal smile, and Brava programs the shortest possible path for each tooth to its ideal position. Brava’s Independent Mover technology applies gentle, continuous force in all three dimensions to each tooth independent of the others, including the specific order and timing for each tooth to move. This independence moves teeth faster and with much less hassle than aligners.

Why is Brava an improvement over braces?

Simply put, Brava is a better idea: Let’s move teeth more efficiently and hide the process. Instead of Brava’s light, continuous, 24/7 force, braces use wires to move teeth collectively, which can mean too much force (right after an adjustment) or too little force (right before an adjustment). And all that hardware is front and center for the world to see.

Brava works out of sight, attached behind your teeth. And it works with greater efficiency than braces. There’s no central wire that needs constant adjusting, which means many fewer appointments. When you add it all up, Brava’s efficient approach gets you to your perfect smile faster and easier.

Is Brava really hidden from sight?

Yes! Your Brava system is bonded behind your teeth. So unless you’re asking people to peek deep inside your mouth, there’s nothing to see.

What are Independent Movers?

Independent Movers are a revolutionary way to move teeth. This patented biomechanical approach allows for independent and simultaneously movement. Once installed, Brava’s shape-memory NiTi—nickel titanium—arms begin to apply constant, gentle force to efficiently move each tooth independently on a direct path to its ideal position. Brava uses proprietary algorithms to program the NiTi to move precisely and faster than traditional braces and aligners. That’s why we call them Independent Movers™.

Cleaning Your Teeth

How do I brush with Brava?

Just like you normally would. But while we’re on the topic—think about enhancing your teeth care routine while wearing Brava. After all, your new Brava smile will be even brighter if you improve your habits. First, consider brushing with an electric toothbrush or a soft bristle three times a day for two minutes each time. Focus on each tooth for three to four seconds each—angle the brush up for upper teeth and down for lower teeth. Second, consider incorporating a water flosser into your routine. You can also use old-school floss since there’s no wire to get in the way. A little extra attention while wearing Brava will definitely score points with your dentist.

Can I use mouthwash with Brava?

Just like you normally would. But while we’re on the topic—think about enhancing your teeth care routine while wearing Brava. After all, your new Brava smile will be even brighter if you improve your habits. First, consider brushing with an electric toothbrush or a soft bristle three times a day for two minutes each time. Focus on each tooth for three to four seconds each—angle the brush up for upper teeth and down for lower teeth. Second, consider incorporating a water flosser into your routine. You can also use old-school floss since there’s no wire to get in the way. A little extra attention while wearing Brava will definitely score points with your dentist.

Can I floss with Brava?

Absolutely. Do it twice daily. Because Brava works on each tooth independently, there are no wires to get in your way—a dramatic departure from braces. Any floss will do. Or use a water flosser if you prefer.

Are there food limitations with Brava?

After you get Brava installed, please avoid foods that are hard, crunchy or sticky for at least five hours. Start with soft foods like pasta and smoothies. Give your mouth and your Brava time to get acquainted.

You can return to a modified food routine the day after Brava’s installed:
• Avoid chomping into harder foods like carrots or apples—cut them into slices first.
• If you must have ice in your mouth, use small chips, not whole cubes.
• Cut meat from bones (i.e., ribs) before eating.
• Never open nuts with your teeth.
• Avoid eating sticky foods.

And remember the points above about enhancing your teeth cleaning and flossing routine.

What about chewing gum?

If you just have to chew gum (preferably artificially sweetened soft gum containing Xylitol) while wearing Brava, who are we to say no? But maybe try not to. Brava’s going to work fast to give you a great smile—and you don’t want to gum up the works. That first stick will taste even better when your brand-new Brava smile is ready to go.

Living With Brava

Is Brava comfortable?

Like any type of orthodontics, you and your Brava will take some time to get familiar and comfortable with each other. Adjustment time is typically around two weeks (for some it’s less, for others it can be a bit longer). It’s normal to feel some tongue discomfort and for your speech to feel and sound a little different while you acclimate. After your Brava is installed, you’ll receive OrthoDots® wax to use as a cushion if needed. You can also use icy foods like ice cream or popsicles or take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce any discomfort as you adjust. Remember, once Brava is installed, there are no painful adjustments or wire tightenings to live through. That’s a relief!

Does Brava affect speech?

It might, for a little while. Brava is attached and hidden behind your teeth, and your curious tongue will want to poke around. This placement could alter your speech for a week or two as your tongue gets familiar with Brava. Ask your doctor for tips about adjusting to Brava

Do I need to wear elastics with Brava?

It depends on the type of movement your teeth need. Your doctor will let you know if you need elastics in tandem with Brava. If you do, wear them all the time and change them after every meal. Your doctor can help you resolve any challenges wearing elastics.

What should I do if something breaks?

First, get in to see your doctor ASAP. Second, don’t laugh at their jokes if they make any

Can I play contact sports wearing Brava?

Yes, as long as you wear a mouth guard. Get one fitted after your Brava is installed. Because Brava sits behind your teeth, it already has some protection from impact, and a mouth guard will add extra security.

Can I play a musical instrument with Brava?

You can! Brava shouldn’t alter your experience with wind instruments like trumpet or clarinet. Of course, you, your Brava and your instrument will need some time to get familiar and comfortable with each other. But practice makes perfect—especially for drummers.